Welcome to my world.........

Thought this would be a fun way to connect with my kids that are all grown up and on their own adventure. Just a way to say "hey".

Friday, July 8, 2011

Searching My Heart..........♥

I was stirred today in my devotion time and thought it was good enough to share.  This is an excerpt from the book, Dearly Beloved by the late David Wilkerson.  (Parenthesis are mine.)

Growing numbers of Christians are no longer fully satifsfied with Christ. The Lord is being dethroned (powerful word) by what he himself called thorns. Jesus defined thorns as the cares of this world, the deceitfulness(another powerful word) of riches, the lusts(powerful word) of other things entering into the heart. Christ said these are the thorns that choke the Word and cause it to become unfruitful. (have you ever seen a day when the Word was SO unfruitful?)

I ask you, is the Lord more on your mind than a year ago? Do you spend more time in his presence than a year ago? Is your passion for him growinig or withering?

Many of those who once were passionately in love with Christ now run about pursuing their own interest. They're burdened down with stress and problems, chasing after riches and the things of this world. They have grown cold or lukewarm, and they have less and less time for Jesus. The Lord and his church now get only an hour of their time, on Sunday mornings.(Am I in this paragraph anywhere.......?)

Jesus said, "If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch and is withered" John 15:6 (read the whole chapter)  In other words, that person is drying up, no longer drawing life from the true vine. He is deceived by thinking all is well, because he still speaks the language of intimacy he once enjoyed with Christ.(been there)

One day soon we all will stand before our blessed Christ to face his judgment seat.(unheard of these days)  We will see him face to face. I want ot stand in my Lord's presence as a fruitful son, not ushered into his presence as a lukewarm, withered, estranged, thorn-choked servant!(...............)

I hear the Holy Spirit calling the Lord's people(me) back to their first love. Back to hungerinig thnd thirsting for more of Christ. Back to spending quality time in his presence. Back to loving his Word. Back to casting all cares upon him. Back to depending on him for guidance.

Christ desires intimacy with his bride. He yearns after his beloved to return to him with love and obedience. I humbly submit this word to you, trusting the Holy Spirit will stir you heart and draw you closer to him. (Amen)

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