Welcome to my world.........

Thought this would be a fun way to connect with my kids that are all grown up and on their own adventure. Just a way to say "hey".

Monday, May 30, 2011

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things.........

Worshipping my sweet savior standing next to my son and daughter in love!

Savoring the scenes of the snow capped rocky mountains and enjoying all the wonderful memories made in this place!!

Enjoying Colorado Mills Outlet Malls with my kids and in laws, purchasing a bargain my daughter in love picked out for me!

Being an overnight guest in my son and daughter in love's adorable apartment, enjoying all the hugs!!

Thanking God I can trust Him with all the details and plans for our childrens' future!!

Knowing my family back home were all together making their own memories this day.

Being introduced to a stranger's handsome friendly chocolate lab that reminded me of Remington!

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