Welcome to my world.........

Thought this would be a fun way to connect with my kids that are all grown up and on their own adventure. Just a way to say "hey".

Friday, May 13, 2011

A Place to Call Her Own♥

It's moving day and these kids got with it!!
These three will try "anything".........
Josh is like ..........wow!!! when it comes to packing up!!!
Here we are unloading as quick as we loaded up?? lol
Mysti has some wonderful friends.♥
From the front door into the living room. Not sure what to call the large white cabinet on the inside wall.:)
Adorable little kitchen......so warm and inviting!
Looking into the living room from the kitchen
The girls "powder room".......nice and compact!
One of Mysti's  "girls" and her little girl.
The three musketeers take a break. Mom fixed taco soup for everyone!!
Sweet and handy brother!!  Thank you Josh!!
Dad taking a little break.
The big white cabinet..............we dressed it all up!  Yes we did!
Like it??  I loved it.
We always have to top good times off with something........SWEET!!   No less than a creation from Ann Bakery Tulsa.  Goodnight.  See ya in the morning Raine!!  XOXOXO


Anonymous said...

Love it! Looks so cute and homey!
Darla Norris

Unknown said...

It is so cute! You guys made the big white cabinet look amazing!
Ohhh...the cake looks yummm!!!
Gayla Selph