Welcome to my world.........

Thought this would be a fun way to connect with my kids that are all grown up and on their own adventure. Just a way to say "hey".

Thursday, April 28, 2011


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Puppy Power♥♥♥

 These black puppies made me smile this day!  Yorkie-PooPoos.  Think I might just get me one someday.
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I met him yesterday when I went to an estate sale on 31st between Utica and Lewis. He was in the neighbor's yard barking hello to every customer as they arrived!!  I loved it!♥ Isn't he gorgeous?  The esate sale was really interesting, far above my little budget but fun just the same.  The midtown cottage was adorable! You oughta go just for fun.  It will be in progress through Sat.  And don't forget to say hi to "Friendly".

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rose Breasted Grosbeak

I was so excited to see this new bird at my feeder on Monday. I had to do some research to find out what it was and today I went to Birds Unlimited to see if there was anything I could do to keep it coming back. Well I was disappointed to find out that it was just passing through. This is thier migrating season and they are headed south I believe so probably won't see many more. Still happy just the same to learn a new bird!♥ The pic is not the best as I was taking it through the window before it flew away. It was so beautiful!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Get Well Sweet My Sweet Daughter In Love.........

Britt I was so sad to hear you still feel so bad and coughed so hard last night.  I told Chad to be real sweet to you and hug it away!! The NyQuil really worked well for me at night so I hope you have the same results. I love you and miss you and wish I was there to help take care of you.♥  I would fix you hot honey and lemon tea. You would be CURED!! lol

Happy Birthday Mysti♥

I celebrate you today.........praying for peace for your soul and joy for your journey!  May God's hand rest upon you and his presence always surround you as you trust Him.  I love you more than you can know!!  XO mom

Monday, April 25, 2011

Rainy day memories........

Misty rain today and Mysti Raine tomorrow.........!!!  I was so blessed 27 years ago with the sweetest bundle of joy and my middle child.  I was so happy to have my second baby girl.  This time lots and lots of curls. I cried and cried with unspeakable joy as they held you close beside me before whisking you away to clean you up. You were the perfect addition to our family and would bring so much love and pride to our hearts.♥